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REN XUE retreats and workshops worldwide

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 A short video about

Yuan Gong



Qigong means 'controlling Qi'

You have probably experienced Qi and been aware of it, but perhaps without knowing what it was. Find out more about Qi.


About me



 My name is Sabine Goubau. I am a fully certified Ren Xue and Yuan Qigong teacher with 14 years of full-time experience with these methods, including ongoing professional training, study and practice. Priorities of this system are safety (no harm) and effectiveness (so as to not waste a precious life). 


I have studied and applied the theories of this system to my own life and will share those teachings with you from a place of true understanding. 

Something more unique about me is that I also have a background in scientific research. I used to teach cell and human biology at the University of Calgary .

Teaching is an art. I have continuously taken training to enhance my teaching skills. My goal is to make the class meaningful to you. I aim to make it simple so that your mind is calm and relaxed, and the information can go deeper. 

I am looking forward to learn about life together.