About me
My name is Sabine Goubau. I am a fully certified Ren Xue and Yuan Qigong teacher with 14 years of full-time experience with these methods, including ongoing professional training, study and practice. Priorities of this system are safety (no harm) and effectiveness (so as to not waste a precious life).
I have studied and applied the theories of this system to my own life and will share those teachings with you from a place of true understanding.
Something more unique about me is that I also have a background in scientific research. I used to teach cell and human biology at the University of Calgary .
Teaching is an art. I have continuously taken training to enhance my teaching skills. My goal is to make the class meaningful to you. I aim to make it simple so that your mind is calm and relaxed, and the information can go deeper.
I am looking forward to learn about life together.