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REN XUE retreats and workshops worldwide

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 A short video about

Yuan Gong



Qigong means 'controlling Qi'

You have probably experienced Qi and been aware of it, but perhaps without knowing what it was. Find out more about Qi.



REN XUE and Society

REN XUE sees the problems of society, at the fundamental level, as a manifestation of the problems of individual human beings. These are the problems of the current human condition and we all have them to a degree. For example, a lack of clarity on what is beneficial for human life is one of them. This leads us to pursue things, often with good intentions,  that are not beneficial for us, for society or for nature and creates all kinds of problems in our life. Sooner or later they also show up in our health.


 Photo: Friends meeting at the Botanical Garden in Dunedin, New Zealand.

New Zealand girls at the Botanical garden in Dunedin, New Zealand.














In REN XUE we therefore address the problems of society by working on our own life. It is an inward seeking process. Our own transformation can then be manifested in our professional, social and all our life activities. When enough people uplift their lives, the process can start the transformation of society.