There is good information about Yuan Tze and his work on the REN XUE International website, but here is an introduction to his life project REN XUE (pronounced ren shueh).
Yuan Gong is part of a broader system called Yuan Tze REN XUE, an emerging comprehensive system for the systematic study of human life. So far, humanity has acquired consirable knowledge about human life and it has enabled us to understand human life to a degree, but Yuan Tze REN XUE is the first science or study in human history to include all aspects of human life in one system. This is the great novelty of this project.
Photo: South-Africa section, Botanical Garden, Dunedin, New Zealand.
The basis for Yuan Tze REN XUE is not new. It comes from the "ancient culture of wisdom" that in Yuan Tze’s words has treasures that belong to all of humanity. It draws from Chinese Qigong, Zhineng Qigong, Daoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Traditional Chinese Medicine, I-Ching (The Book of Change) philosophy, Feng Shui philosophy, Taiji, Bagua, Martial Art and Folk Arts. It also incorporates modern philosophy, medical science, and science and technology. Yuan Tze Ren Xue therefore has an extensive theoretical foundation.
Yuan Tze has a deep understanding of these traditions and philosophies and has taken from them the aspects that contribute in a positive way to a science of human life. He has also excluded aspects of these traditions when he does not regard them as appropriate. He has used long-established knowledge and infused modern knowledge to create a new system we can use to explore the truths and mysteries of human life and nature, and determine the relationship between the two. Our understanding of the latter is still very weak and is one reason for the alarming deterioration of the environment. No system of study of human life in history has ever been as comprehensive.
Yuan Tze has also accomplished the very difficult task of translating ancient knowledge into modern language to reach out to the Western mind and civilization.
The long-term goal of the development of REN XUE is to establish and complete a true science of human life. This will require continuous work exploring and discovering the laws of life and nature. It is an immense task for experts of all sorts. At the moment, the focus is on building the foundation and framework for this comprehensive study of human life.
The foundation of Yuan Tze REN XUE is explained in the trilogy Voyage to the Shore Part I-III .
Yuan Tze explains the choice and meaning of the names REN XUE and Human Life Science.